Supporting Medical Assistants in Nebraska
for over 65 years.
In May 1955, a steering committee of seven women met at the Paxton Hotel in Omaha at which time the constitution, bylaws were drawn up, and the organization was officially established under the approval of the Douglas County Medical Society. The Omaha Chapter remained the only chapter in Nebraska functioning at both the local and state levels. On October 11, 1963, Nebraska received their State Charter at the AAMA Convention.
In April 1966, Omaha hosted the first state meeting for interested medical assistants from other cities and towns in Nebraska. A steering committee agreed to propose the necessary changes in the constitution and bylaws to provide eligibility to medical assistants from neighboring areas, not only to join as associate members until a component chapter in their locale was organized, but also to allow them to be an associate member-at-large with the right to vote, hold office and chair a committee.
At the NAMA convention in Omaha, May 1967, Madison Six County and Lincoln received their charters. The Madison Six County Chapter changed their name to the Northeast Nebraska Chapter in March 1976. This chapter dissolved in January 1983.
In May 1971, the Grand Island Chapter received their charter. In 1975, a chapter was issued to Scottsbluff-Gering Chapter but they dissolved in February 1980.
In 1982, three chapters were given their charters. They were Great Plains, Kearney Area and Hastings. The Hastings Chapter became inactive but reorganized in December 1989. The Kearney Area Chapter dissolved in April of 1986.
The Norfolk Chapter received their charter in 1988. Fremont was chartered in 1989, and dissolved in 2005.
In 1993 NSMA has the following active chapters: Grand Island, Great Plains, Hastings, Lincoln, Norfolk and Omaha.
The first medical assistant certification examination in Nebraska was given in June 1966 at Omaha University (now the University of Nebraska at Omaha). Erna Goode, CMA, of the Omaha Chapter became the first medical assistant in Nebraska to receive her certification credential. Bonnie Ahrens, CMA-ACP, of Lincoln was the first to receive her certification plus the specialty of Administration, Clinical and Pediatric. The specialty credentials are no longer offered. The Certification Committee was created at the 1979 House of Delegates.
The first state publication, simply called the “Bulletin”, was distributed in February 1971, under the direction of Barbara McMullen, President. In 1978, the decision was made to restart the state newsletter with five publications per year. Ginny Rozmiarek, CMA-C, was the Publication Chairman. A statewide contest was held to name the newsletter and the Grand Island Chapter won with the name “NAMA-Gram”. This was later changed to the Nebraska MED-A-GRAM in December 1985.
Membership enrollment has fluctuated throughout the years ranging from less than 100 to near 300. In 1975, Nebraska won two AAMA Membership Awards. First place was awarded for percentage of increase and second place for numerical increase.
Non-profit status was obtained in September 1978. In December 1984, the Article of Incorporation was drawn up for our organization spearheaded by Peggy Gilbert, CMA. In December 1985, the official name was changed from the Nebraska Association of Medical Assistants (NAMA) to the Nebraska Society of Medical Assistants, Inc. (NSMA) to comply with the mandate from AAMA.
From conception, the major purpose of this organization has been to provide continuing education for its members. To this end, we have organized and sponsored innumerable seminars and annual conventions. AAMA chose Omaha to host the 1987 Regional Conference as part of their Strategic Plan.
In the mid 1980s, legislative issues took on new major concerns dealing with OSHA guidelines, public safety, clinical laboratory improvement amendments (CLIA), radiology training requirements, blood borne pathogens, and the CMAs right to practice. Members are kept abreast of these topics by the organization.
In 1978, the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare formally recognized medical assisting as an allied health profession. This ruling was a direct result of a concentrated campaign by AAMA and initiated the drive for certification revalidation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has listed medical assistants as one of the continued, fasted growing occupation.
Nebraska’s Norma Parker, CMA (AAMA) was elected AAMA President in 1999.
In 2001, Omaha hosted a Regional Conference.
In 2007, NSMA launched its website,
In August of 2009, President Hipke-Muske, CMA (AAMA), initiated and presided over the first webinar NSMA Board of Directors meeting.
The first NSMA Student Scholarship was awarded at the 2012 Conference.
NSMA implemented a Facebook page for members only on October 4, 2014.
The NSMA officially changed from a House of Delegates to a General Assembly meeting at the Conference in 2022.
NSMA provided the Board members a chance to join the meeting via Zoom in 2022.