NSMA Planning Calendar

April/May (Post-Annual Conference BOD meeting)

  • President facilitates transition of officers and committee chairs plus transfer of materials.
  • President obtains approval for Medical Advisory Board (MAB) and Standing Committee Chairs.
  • President distributes information packets to BOD members including BOD roster and meeting dates.
  • President (Chair of the Delegates) facilitates a discussion with the BOD regarding attendance requirements for the AAMA conference delegates/alternates.
  • President notifies AAMA of new officers, chairs, delegates/alternates to AAMA HOD.
  • President completes applications for the MAB complimentary CMA Today subscriptions and submits to the Treasurer for processing.
  • President appoints a Conference Chair for the conference two years out.
  • Treasurer accepts bills and reimburses members at ALL BOD meetings.
  • The outgoing Secretary sends out minutes from pre-conference, General Assembly, and the incoming Secretary sends out the post-conference meetings within thirty (30) days.


  • Membership Chair may organize and schedule a membership drive.
  • Awards Chair follows the deadline for AAMA Excel Awards competition entries.


  • President ’s deadline for submitting AAMA delegate/alternate form, NSMA officer election notification form and NSMA dues verification form to the AAMA Executive office.
  • Deadline for receipt of AAMA Volunteer Leadership forms at the national office.
  • AAMA will email notices to CMA(AAMA)’s who have 18 months to recertify followed by two additional mailed reminder notices.


  • President sends out notice/agenda for Summer BOD meeting.
  • ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the summer BOD meeting (1 week prior to the meeting).
  • AAMA Executive office sends delegates packets for the annual AAMA conference
  • August (Summer BOD meeting)
  • Budget & Finance Chair presents Audit Subcommittee report for BOD approval.
  • Public Relations Chair discusses Medical Assistant Recognition Week preparations.
  • NSMA Annual Conference Chair presents final report including financial statement.
  • President oversees review of AAMA delegate packets with the BOD.
  • Budget & Finance Chair reviews NSMA Financial Policies and the Expense Reimbursement Policies with BOD members.
  • Budget & Finance Chair makes recommendations for the amount of financial funding of next year’s delegates/alternates to the AAMA annual conference.
  • Bylaws Chair solicits proposals for NSMA Bylaws amendments and conducts routine review of NSMA Standing Rules.
  • Membership Chair requests/distributes list of new and recertified CMA (AAMA)s
  • Secretary sends out minutes within fourteen (14) days


  • Elected delegates/alternates attend the AAMA Conference.
  • President performs functions of the Chair of Delegates.
  • President presents the incoming AAMA President with a card from NSMA noting that a donation to one of the AAMA funds will be made in their honor.
  • Delegates and alternates submit vouchers/receipts to NSMA Treasurer within 30 (thirty) days after the close of the conference.
  • Delegates and alternates submit reports from the AAMA Conference.
  • President sends out notice/agenda for fall meeting.
  • ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the fall BOD meeting(1 week prior to the meeting).

October (Fall BOD meeting)

  • Budget & Finance Chair presents NSMA proposed annual conference budget for review and approval.
  • President reviews highlights from the AAMA Annual Conference.
  • President submits a form to request AAMA BOT Representative to NSMA Annual Conference (if NSMA BOD approves).
  • Membership Chair issues reminder that membership dues are due to AAMA by 12-31.
  • Vice-Speaker reminds members to submit nominations for State officers and delegates/alternates to the AAMA Conference.
  • Public Relations Chair discusses Medical Assistants Week – third full week of every October.
  • Secretary sends out copies of minutes within fourteen (14) days


  • President receives notification from AAMA of the assigned representative for NSMA Annual Conference.
  • President sends out notice/agenda for winter BOD meeting.
  • ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the winter BOD meeting (1 week prior to the meeting).
  • Membership dues are delinquent if not received by the AAMA 12-31.
  • AAMA sends out notice of mandated AAMA Bylaws amendments to the President and Vice President that must be passed on to the NSMA Bylaws Chair.

January (Winter BOD meeting)

  • President receives notification from AAMA indicating the number of delegates eligible for the AAMA HOD.
  • President and/or Conference Chair writes a Welcome Letter for NSMA Annual Conference program.
  • Bylaws Chair presents proposed Bylaws amendments to BOD for review/discussion.
  • Budget & Finance Chair presents NSMA proposed operating budget for discussion and approval.
  • Awards Chair solicits nominees for CMA of the Year Award and Special Recognition Certificates.
  • Speaker announces deadline for reports to be printed in General Assembly packet.
  • Membership Chair distributes a list of new and recertified CMAs (AAMA).
  • The complete current NSMA membership roster available from AAMA after 1-31.
  • All BOD members prepare written year-end reports (deadline determined by Speaker)


  • President sends out notice/agenda for spring BOD meeting.
  • ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the spring BOD meeting (1 week prior to the meeting).

March (Spring BOD meeting)

  • This meeting is usually held at the site of the next NSMA Annual Conference.
  • Annual Conference Chair conducts a tour of the conference site for all BOD members.
  • Speaker distributes (or mails) NSMA delegate packets.
  • Treasurer announces last call for all outstanding bills in preparation of final financial report.
  • Vice-President selects three Medical Advisory Board members.
  • Vice-President selects Standing Committee Chairs.
  • Vice-President creates the NSMA BOD meeting calendar and secures meeting room locations.
  • Vice-President purchases a gift for the outgoing President (presented at the installation ceremony).
  • Vice-President obtains the President’s lapel pin from the Treasurer and has it engraved to present at installation.
  • Vice-President chooses the installation officer and installation theme.
  • Membership Chair distributes a list of new and recertified CMAs.
  • Budget & Finance Chair reviews NSMA Financial Policies with BOD.
  • Awards Chair announces recipient of the NSMA Conference Grant Award.
  • Membership Chair announces winner of the NSMA Membership Recruitment Contest .
  • Membership Chair requests list of non-renewing members from AAMA for follow-up.
  • All BOD members prepare a Procedure Notebook for their office or chair to turn over to their successor.
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