The following are the descriptions of each officer duty or chairperson of the NSMA. If you would want to volunteer for our organization, these are the general guidelines each of these follows.
NSMA Planning Calendar
April/May (Post-Annual Conference BOD meeting)
- President facilitates transition of officers and committee chairs plus transfer of materials.
- President obtains approval for Medical Advisory Board (MAB) and Standing Committee Chairs.
- President distributes information packets to BOD members including BOD roster and meeting dates.
- President (Chair of the Delegates) facilitates a discussion with the BOD regarding attendance requirements for the AAMA conference delegates/alternates.
- President notifies AAMA of new officers, chairs, delegates/alternates to AAMA HOD.
- President completes applications for the MAB complimentary CMA Today subscriptions and submits to the Treasurer for processing.
- President appoints a Conference Chair for the conference two years out.
- Treasurer accepts bills and reimburses members at ALL BOD meetings.
- The outgoing Secretary sends out minutes from pre-conference, General Assembly, and the incoming Secretary sends out the post-conference meetings within thirty (30) days.
- Membership Chair may organize and schedule a membership drive.
- Awards Chair follows the deadline for AAMA Excel Awards competition entries.
- President ’s deadline for submitting AAMA delegate/alternate form, NSMA officer election notification form and NSMA dues verification form to the AAMA Executive office.
- Deadline for receipt of AAMA Volunteer Leadership forms at the national office.
- AAMA will email notices to CMA(AAMA)’s who have 18 months to recertify followed by two additional mailed reminder notices.
- President sends out notice/agenda for Summer BOD meeting.
- ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the summer BOD meeting (1 week prior to the meeting).
- AAMA Executive office sends delegates packets for the annual AAMA conference
- August (Summer BOD meeting)
- Budget & Finance Chair presents Audit Subcommittee report for BOD approval.
- Public Relations Chair discusses Medical Assistant Recognition Week preparations.
- NSMA Annual Conference Chair presents final report including financial statement.
- President oversees review of AAMA delegate packets with the BOD.
- Budget & Finance Chair reviews NSMA Financial Policies and the Expense Reimbursement Policies with BOD members.
- Budget & Finance Chair makes recommendations for the amount of financial funding of next year’s delegates/alternates to the AAMA annual conference.
- Bylaws Chair solicits proposals for NSMA Bylaws amendments and conducts routine review of NSMA Standing Rules.
- Membership Chair requests/distributes list of new and recertified CMA (AAMA)s
- Secretary sends out minutes within fourteen (14) days
- Elected delegates/alternates attend the AAMA Conference.
- President performs functions of the Chair of Delegates.
- President presents the incoming AAMA President with a card from NSMA noting that a donation to one of the AAMA funds will be made in their honor.
- Delegates and alternates submit vouchers/receipts to NSMA Treasurer within 30 (thirty) days after the close of the conference.
- Delegates and alternates submit reports from the AAMA Conference.
- President sends out notice/agenda for fall meeting.
- ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the fall BOD meeting(1 week prior to the meeting).
October (Fall BOD meeting)
- Budget & Finance Chair presents NSMA proposed annual conference budget for review and approval.
- President reviews highlights from the AAMA Annual Conference.
- President submits a form to request AAMA BOT Representative to NSMA Annual Conference (if NSMA BOD approves).
- Membership Chair issues reminder that membership dues are due to AAMA by 12-31.
- Vice-Speaker reminds members to submit nominations for State officers and delegates/alternates to the AAMA Conference.
- Public Relations Chair discusses Medical Assistants Week – third full week of every October.
- Secretary sends out copies of minutes within fourteen (14) days
- President receives notification from AAMA of the assigned representative for NSMA Annual Conference.
- President sends out notice/agenda for winter BOD meeting.
- ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the winter BOD meeting (1 week prior to the meeting).
- Membership dues are delinquent if not received by the AAMA 12-31.
- AAMA sends out notice of mandated AAMA Bylaws amendments to the President and Vice President that must be passed on to the NSMA Bylaws Chair.
January (Winter BOD meeting)
- President receives notification from AAMA indicating the number of delegates eligible for the AAMA HOD.
- President and/or Conference Chair writes a Welcome Letter for NSMA Annual Conference program.
- Bylaws Chair presents proposed Bylaws amendments to BOD for review/discussion.
- Budget & Finance Chair presents NSMA proposed operating budget for discussion and approval.
- Awards Chair solicits nominees for CMA of the Year Award and Special Recognition Certificates.
- Speaker announces deadline for reports to be printed in General Assembly packet.
- Membership Chair distributes a list of new and recertified CMAs (AAMA).
- The complete current NSMA membership roster available from AAMA after 1-31.
- All BOD members prepare written year-end reports (deadline determined by Speaker)
- President sends out notice/agenda for spring BOD meeting.
- ALL offices and chairs prepare reports and email them to the BOD for the spring BOD meeting (1 week prior to the meeting).
March (Spring BOD meeting)
- This meeting is usually held at the site of the next NSMA Annual Conference.
- Annual Conference Chair conducts a tour of the conference site for all BOD members.
- Speaker distributes (or mails) NSMA delegate packets.
- Treasurer announces last call for all outstanding bills in preparation of final financial report.
- Vice-President selects three Medical Advisory Board members.
- Vice-President selects Standing Committee Chairs.
- Vice-President creates the NSMA BOD meeting calendar and secures meeting room locations.
- Vice-President purchases a gift for the outgoing President (presented at the installation ceremony).
- Vice-President obtains the President’s lapel pin from the Treasurer and has it engraved to present at installation.
- Vice-President chooses the installation officer and installation theme.
- Membership Chair distributes a list of new and recertified CMAs.
- Budget & Finance Chair reviews NSMA Financial Policies with BOD.
- Awards Chair announces recipient of the NSMA Conference Grant Award.
- Membership Chair announces winner of the NSMA Membership Recruitment Contest .
- Membership Chair requests list of non-renewing members from AAMA for follow-up.
- All BOD members prepare a Procedure Notebook for their office or chair to turn over to their successor.